Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Synonymous with Africa

Whenever I think of Africa, some creatures outside of the "Big 5" (Lions, Leopard, Elephant, Rhino and Buffalo) always spring to mind, which in the own individual ways more than hold their own against other more vaunted subjects.

Wildebeest: (Left) Walter, named by Will & Carol Fox, he held a territory around the house they were staying in on the reserve, and had a very distinctive mohican; (Right) A male I followed for about 30 minutes because he just wouldn't get out of the road, injured probably in battle with another male. 

The stunning Zebra.

A Living Roadblock. 

The two male Giraffe we have on the reserve having a little fight. The younger, smaller male (the lighter of the two) started the fight by mounting the older, darker male, but the older male soon asserted his authority and the younger one eventually moved off to drink at a nearby pool.

A good way of identifying whether a giraffe is male or female is by looking at their horns, with the hair covering them often getting worn down from fighting, as seen here by the younger male.

If giraffe see anything unusual or that may be a potential threat they will all stare intently at it. I was lucky enough to have some incredible sightings with these guys while I was on the reserve. 

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